Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hey friends!

I apologize for being MIA, but I feel an update is needed. A couple of weeks ago I blacked out. I told my doctor about this "spell" and she was concerned. She sent me to a cardiologist. The cardiologist felt that my heart stopped. He wants me to wear a heart monitor for two weeks to see if there are any irregularities. My chemo is off schedule due to all the various appointments I have had. My oncologist called this morning to let me know I will have chemo tomorrow. She said that the cardiologist thought the blackout might be due to blood pressure-dropping too quickly. They are going to give me more fluids this round and see if that helps.
Please keep praying. The treatments are getting harder as it builds in my system. Pray for my healing, but also my spirits.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Huge day!!

Last week I had a scan (the same one they used to stage the cancer) to see where it was in my body... The doctor ran through the report... She said a lot of big words and then Said that means gone.... Said more big words.. Then said that means gone.... At the end of the report it stated what is shown in the picture.... "no lymphatic activity is identified" that means that all my cells are under normal levels and undetected by the scan!!! 

Most of you might be wondering if I have to finish treatments, and the answer is yes. I will continue treatments as planned. I have completed 5, and have 7 more to go. I ask that you keep praying for my body's reaction the chemo... I know that the process has been very smooth and it's due to the love and prayers of all you guys... Please don't stop! I'm not done yet...

Praise God!!!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Third Round

I had my third round of chemo yesterday... Everything has been great! Notice I didn't say smooth.... Yesterday during treatments they had to stop about halfway through because my port wasn't working... That's how they administer the chemo... After about a 45 minute delay, they got it working and we continued.  I had another great visit with doctor!  She is very pleased with my progress!  We aren't out of the water yet, but we are most definitely on the right path! 

Please keep praying!  Pray that progress continues.  Pray that my body keeps acting the way it has to the chemo.  Pray for my stress level as the medical bills start rolling in (as they have officially started!)  Pray for people who have heard my story-God is using this to reach people!

Thank you!

"Red Devil"

Hello All-
Here is a picture of my first bag of chemo..."red devil"... It literally looks like koolaid!  Wanted to share with all the people that think I'm lying! Hahah! :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Doctor Update:

Yesterday we spent the day at the doctor's office. As we all know nothing has been simple and smooth sailing... let me tell you about my day...

I showed up at 8 am to get blood work/chemo. They drew the blood then sent me back to the waiting room. About twenty minutes later my doctor's nurse came out and told me that my levels were too low. They were technically too low to do the chemo, but they were trying to get approvals to proceed. They came and got me and hooked me up - I started the chemo. After they started the last bag of chemo (I have 6 bags total), they sent me back to talk to the doctor. The doctor felt my neck (where the majority of the lumps were) and was very pleased at the progress. She said there was a noticable difference. She listened to my heart and lungs and everything sounded great! I told her that the night sweats had stopped - and she was thrilled to hear this! Good sign!! She explained that my white cell count was too low (the levels that they talked about ealier). What does this mean? This means that my immune system is very weak - no large groups, no eating out - I have to be very careful of germs! How do we fight cancer and a weak immune system? Well, we went ahead with the second round of chemo. Starting tomorrow they are putting me on a shot that will boost the production of white blood cells. I will take the shots on Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. On Wednesday they will check my counts - that will decide if they are high enough, or if we need more shots.

For right now, I would pray that the shots boost my levels and that I stay healthy. Also, please pray that my body reacts the way it did last time! Pray that the nausea stays away!

Thank you for the prayers and loving messages! We are fighting this one day at a time, and your prayers are carrying me through! Thank you all!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Birthday

Hello friends and family! Today is Ashley's Birthday and she will be in chemo for most of the day! Please send her a text, comment on the blog, or send a Facebook message. Prayers for a smooth day and for the weeks to follow. Also prayers for loving doctors that make today special despite the circumstances and always prayers for her family!


Monday, February 13, 2012

This is a little delayed, and for that I am sorry. I couldn't decide if I wanted to write about how amazing it was that so many friends turned out to see me...or the fact that everyone I know is a liar with a sneaky side... haha!

Besides the fact that everyone lied (I'll get over it, eventually), I had a blast! I walked in to Gusano's on Friday night to find about 50 of my closest friends! Thank you Jackie and Terri (and crew) for setting up my bday celebration. It was amazing to have so many friends in the same place!

I have never had a birthday celebration that would even rival this night... I walked in and people started yelling and clapping - what a welcome! (Yes, I was on the verge of happy tears) When I got close I was bombarded with hugs and greetings! Thank you everyone for coming out and celebrating with me! You guys are the best! It was great to see so many people face to face. Honestly, the face to face conversations are what I find myself missing the most.... so this party was exactly what I needed!!

I am one happy birthday girl! I definitely feel the love! Thank you friends for an unforgettable night! Thank you for the gifts and cards and blessings! You guys do not understand how much the encouragement is helping! You guys are keeping my spirits up...and making the whole process much less painful! Thank you!!!!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just A Reminder!

Get your t-shirt orders in asap!! (see link to the right) Also, please follow the blog or sign up for email updates!

Monday, February 6, 2012

So far so good!

Ashley is feeling considerably well after her treatment last week. She is suffering from headaches and a sore throat like no other. The good news is no nausea! I think its all about attitude and hers is outstanding!! Please be in prayer this week for her healing as she deals with the side effects. Also, that the nausea will STAY AWAY!!